It’s so old school, right? There are so many other channels to communicate with your customers with that deliver immediate feedback - tweets, blogs, posts, etc.
Newsletters just clog up people’s inboxes and annoy them, right? If you’re buying a random email list and are scatter-gunning them with random email content, then yes - this is absolutely true.
But what if you know your customer inside out? What if you understand how, when and why they want information communicated to them? What if you know the topics they are interested in? What if you know how many times whey want to receive content? What if you already know the best times to send the email to optimise opens?
Then everything changes.
Newsletters are not for everyone, let’s make that clear. But they serve many purposes.
It’s obvious but true - your prospects and customers need to know you are still out there. What projects you are working on, what you are looking to achieve and what successes you have had. A newsletter can communicate all this and more in one hit.
It will also remind them of your logo, brand and what you do. Remember, buyers have a short memory.
Why should someone buy or use your product? Why is your product or service better than everyone else's? What is your added value?
You can address all these questions in a newsletter. You could include a case study that showcases your latest project. You could include a white paper that analyses your position in the marketplace against your competitors. You could update your customers on a new machine / service / offering that they would currently be unaware of.
Quite simply, a newsletter is your chance to blow your own trumpet.
Now the real value - analysing the results of the campaign
You’ve pressed the send button and your palms are sweaty. All these questions are going through your head: How many people have opened it? How many clicked on a link? Which links were most popular? How many emails bounced? Did anyone report it as spam? How did it compare to the industry average for opens and clicks?
The beauty in analysis is that you can answer all of these questions and see where you succeeded and failed. Then you know how to improve your next newsletter.
Low open rate? Review your sent from address, email title and timing.
Great open rate, but low click rate? More inviting content and CTAs are required.
Too many bounces? This is never a bad thing - clean your CRM up so your ISP is not increasing your domain spam rating.
Knowledge is power
Here at the Tree Group, we send newsletters to the right people, with the right content, at the right time. But this is only a very small part of what we do.
We know our automotive and motorsport customers inside out. We research on behalf of our clients their ideal buyers. We have a unique web of contacts based on years of working in these industries to connect and engage with those buyers.
We simply have a little black book of contacts others are envious of.
Need to grow your automotive and motorsport sales without employing an expensive salesperson with all the overheads that go with them?
Book an exploratory call with Steve who can discuss how we can help you to grow your business potential.